USUE first-year students found themselves inside a large interactive history textbook

The Freshers divided into two groups. One group became acquainted with the history of the country from 1914 to 1945. Another, with the second half of the twentieth century, including the contemporary history.

"Here you can touch and probe everything and ask questions. The most important thing that our site provides is an opportunity for independent study of history," Dmitry Katarin, head of the multimedia park, told to the students.

Within an hour, the students plunged into the bright, graphic world of Russian history. Great October Revolution, Great Patriotic War, Stalin’s cult of personality, and Soviet "five-year plans". Each of the participants of the excursion discovered something new.

"I did not know that the first dogs that had been in space were not Belka and Strelka but Dezik and Tsigan," a fresher Anastasia Podshindyalina shares her impressions. "It's great when you can go around and see yourself what really interests you. Everything is up-to-date."

For an hour, it is quite difficult to master a long historical period. A few thousand square meters of museum space represents the history of Russia from Riurikid to Vladimir Putin. The multimedia park that opened in Yekaterinburg in September is primarily aimed at young people. Judging by the impressions of the USUE students, the organizers’ estimations were right.

Today the multimedia historical park "Russia is my history" was visited by about 40 students. The Freshers divided into two groups. One group became acquainted with the history of the country from 1914 to 1945. Another, with the second half of the twentieth century, including the contemporary history.

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