USUE students will develop projects jointly with the Department of Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk region

June 22, students of Ural State University of Economics met with the Director of the Department of Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk region Olga Glatskikh to find out what formats the youth of today are implementing projects in.

«To solve some problems of the youth policy, we need a request from the youth to understand what to do and what the young need. The Sverdlovsk region is large, in remote areas the youth policy is poorly developed, and many young people do not understand and do not know where they can be realized,» Olga Glatskikh said.

In her words, along with this problem, there is one more — in the region there are a lot of portals, social networks, and other resources, which make it difficult to find the right information. «We decided to launch a regional youth portal, which will unite 16 fields of the department concern. It will start working in 2018,» Olga Glatskih said.

The students of Ural State University of Economics organized a meeting to come up with projects and interesting programs for interaction with municipalities, universities, non-profit organizations, and ministries in all activities areas of the department of youth policy of the Sverdlovsk region. As Olga Glatskih noted, the department and youth should be assistants for each other.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin said that the University has been working in this area and participates in various activities of the district, city, regional and international levels, and this activity will go on.

June 22, students of Ural State University of Economics met with the Director of the Department of Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk region Olga Glatskikh to find out what formats the youth of today are implementing projects in.

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