USUE students will receive scholarships of regional and federal levels!

Full-time students of Ural State  University of Economics became candidates for scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. We talked with the fellows and learned about their successes and active research activities.
Artem Gorbunov, 4th course student at the Institute of Finance and Law, Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit (candidate for the grant of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region): “About which university to choose for admission, I began to think in grade 10. At that moment I really liked the story. To enter the Faculty of History, it was necessary to take social studies, which includes a section of the economy. When I began to prepare for the exam, I realized that economics as a science is also very interesting to me, and already in the process of passing the exam I realized that economics is the science with which I would like to connect my activities.”

Polina Akulova, 4th course student at the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, training profile “Commodity Science and Examination of Goods in Customs Activities” (candidate for the grant of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region): “I started my scientific work from the first year of study thanks to the activities of the student scientific society Ural State Economic University. There I understood how to write articles. We were often attracted to participate in competitions. Since I have collected a portfolio this year, I decided that I have a good  chance to get a governor's prize.

Full-time students of Ural State University of Economics became candidates for scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. We talked with the fellows and learned about their successes and active research activities.

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