USUE students visited Sima-Land

March 21, students of KD-15 and L-15 groups of the USUE Department of Commerce, Logistics and Trade Economics guided by Professor D. Karkh visited Sima-Land company within studying Commercial Activity course.

The students became acquainted with the organization of purchasing activity, the system of goods and cargo storing, production, and warehouse logistics.

Most of all the students liked the conversation with Denis Veshkurtsev, General Director of Sima-Land, a USUE honors graduate, who told about the company's policy on the market, about the company's development plans, and his views on training specialists and requirements for them. During the meeting, much time was devoted to answers to numerous questions from the students.

March 21, students of KD-15 and L-15 groups of the USUE Department of Commerce, Logistics and Trade Economics guided by Professor D. Karkh visited Sima-Land company within studying Commercial Activity course.

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