USUE students visited Coca-Cola factory, and learned the history of the most recognizable brand

Who does not know the famous Santa Claus, carrying bottles with a caramel-brown drink on Christmas days? Or who cannot imagine a popping sound coming from the just opened can of Coca-Cola? The employees of the Coca-Cola Company in Yekaterinburg claim that such people do not exist! USUE senior students visited the Ural bottler factory and saw how the most popular in the world soda pop was bottled.

Excursions to the Coca-Cola plants are very popular, though have some "secret". Although a long time ago the manufacturer already declared: there is no secret ingredient making a drink so tasty and refreshing, at the factory, photo-video shooting is still forbidden. And this despite the fact that during the day, Coca-Cola employees arrange from one to three excursions, and monthly the factory is visited up to six thousand guests.

For USUE students Cola bottling factory is already familiar. Annually, in the autumn, a group of future graduates visits it in order to get to know more closely how the work with personnel is organized at the enterprise.

"This excursion was held as part of the taught discipline “Organizational Culture ". It is interesting for students to learn not only at lectures and at seminars. I think that this activity will be useful to them, because they are fourth-year students and soon they will join the labor market, and this practical experience would come useful to them," Olga Koropets, associate professor at the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management, said.

Fourth-year students were showed the entire product manufacturing process from blowing plastic containers to packaging of finished soda in packs and were told about interesting internship programs for trainees. Young specialists, according to the representatives of the factory, within two years can achieve leadership positions.

"The company always needs good specialists. We are interested in competent new employees. We often employ specialists who have just graduated from a university and if this tour will be an impetus for the employment of these students, we will be happy," Elena Davydova, specialist of the Department of External Relations and Communications, Coca-Cola HBC in Yekaterinburg, said.

Following the excursion, students and teachers of the Department of Labor Economics and HR Management will organize a discussion where they will share their impressions of what they have seen and discuss the values of the world-renowned company.

Who does not know the famous Santa Claus, carrying bottles with a caramel-brown drink on Christmas days? Or who cannot imagine a popping sound coming from the just opened can of Coca-Cola? The employees of the Coca-Cola Company in Yekaterinburg claim that such people do not exist! USUE senior students visited the Ural bottler factory and saw how the most popular in the world soda pop was bottled.

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