USUE students participated in the seminar-meeting at the Library of the Yekaterinburg Mayor

October 31, 2017, the Library of Yekaterinburg Mayor hosted a seminar-meeting with USUE students. The meeting was organized on the initiative of Vladimir Sulimin, Ph.D. in economics, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

USUE students attend such meetings not for the first time. Recently, students met with the head of the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg Dmitry Nozhenko and in the opinion of all the participants these meetings are very important, they make the educational process more interesting, give a unique opportunity to understand the profession of a civil servant and learn firsthand about the specifics of the work. Students meet with current heads of public and municipal government.

The seminar-meeting discussed methodological materials on strategic planning and development at the level of the municipal entity. Such a report was delivered  by Vladimir Sulimin, associate professor at the Department of Public and  Administration. He formulated recommendations and gave an assessment of the strategy and strategic plan. In addition, Vladimir Sulimin focused on valuation approaches, principles and methods of development of municipal development strategy.

USUE students made presentations on labor management professionalization of state and municipal officials, on integral indicators of living standards and infrastructure of municipal territories.

Larisa Iovleva's report on Yekaterinburg's bid to hold the World Expo in 2025 received a great response.

We thank chief adviser to the Rector Yevgeny Animitsa, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin, head of the USUE Curriculum and Instruction Office Vladimir Merkulev, deputy head of the of the Curriculum and Instruction Office Tatiana Kochergina, as well as the chair of the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration Dmitry Nozhenko and his deputy Natalia Vlasova, and the academic secretary of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration Elena Molokova for their assistance in  organizing the meeting.

October 31, 2017, the Library of Yekaterinburg Mayor hosted a seminar-meeting with USUE students. The meeting was organized on the initiative of Vladimir Sulimin, Ph.D. in economics, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

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