USUE students held classes at the library of Yekaterinburg Mayor

December 18, more than one hundred students of the correspondence department of Ural State University of Economics majoring in State and Municipal Administration and State and Municipal Service conducted a seminar and an excursion at the library of the Yekaterinburg Mayor.

The representations for the students were made by the organizers of the event: Vladimir Sulimin, associate professor at the USUE Department of State and Municipal Administration, Olga Mordvinova, head of the Library Service Department at the Library of the Yekaterinburg Mayor, and Larissa Iovleva, head of the Department of Cultural and Educational Programs and Projects.

During the seminar, issues related to the history of public administration in Russia, development of the judiciary, military and police institutions, and church administration were touched upon. There was also an excursion to the offices of the international department of the library, where the students were shown books in different languages.

Faculty members emphasize that practical classes "in the field" best of all allow you to see the logic of the development of the entire system of national administration.

It should be noted that for the first, more than 200 people entered the Institute of Continuing Education of the Urals State University for training courses related to the civil service. Elena Yalunina, director of the USUE Institute of Continuing Education, notes that this result was achieved thanks to systematic work with students from colleges, technical schools, lyceums and schools during the academic year. In parallel, career-guidance work was conducted at operational meetings in seven municipal districts of Yekaterinburg, small and medium-sized businesses, social institutions, and other enterprises.

The organizers of the event express their gratitude to Natalia Vlasova, professor at the USUE Department of State and Municipal Administration,   Elena Molokova, academic secretary of the Department of State and Municipal Administration, and Petr Novozhilov, deputy director of the Institute of Continuing Education, for their help in organizing the seminar.

December 18, more than one hundred students of the correspondence department of Ural State University of Economics majoring in State and Municipal Administration and State and Municipal Service conducted a seminar and an excursion at the library of the Yekaterinburg Mayor.

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