USUE Students learned how to get into the Forbes if you are not a billionaire

At the 7th Week of Marketing and Advertising, Olga Kostareva, head of the PR group at SKB Kontur, told how a PR specialist should work with journalists and publishe its company's news in media.

The main theme of the Olga Kostareva’s masterclass was "Features of National PR and Work with Federal Media without Leaving Home Region." The speaker gave advice on working with journalists. "We need to start from the media base and select journalists who could highlight your topic. It is not necessary to publish your information in "Cosmopolitan" if you are producing spare parts for cars," Olga noted.

In addition, it is important for any PR specialist to properly submit information about oneself and the company, as well as formulate topics for publications. "There is one good exercise: you set the timer and do self-presentation. It is necessary to fit in 40 - 80 seconds. So you can get rid of all unnecessary things in the story about your company," Olga added.

The speaker explained that it could become an information reason for publication in media. One can offer to journalists the information about new services or products of the company, talk about transactions and projects and about financial performance, and give market analysis. "The anniversary of the company, the participation of employees in any exhibition or information about a new tariff - all this will not work. Such topics do not interest an editorial board," Olga Kostareva said.

For any company there are "green topics". For example, journalists take in stride topics related to the company's personnel policy. You can tell how to look for employees, how to conduct an interview, and how to motivate to work. In addition, companies often honestly talk about what they have failed to do and what experience they have learned from this. Most importantly, the publication of such a failure should not damage the company's reputation. Besides, journalists will easily pick up your story about business: how to open a bank, a hairdressing salon or a car wash. The main thing is to explain step by step what to do and share experience.

At the 7th Week of Marketing and Advertising, Olga Kostareva, head of the PR group at SKB Kontur, told how a PR specialist should work with journalists and publishe its company's news in media.

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