Vladimir Elmanin, Chairman of the Management Board of Pervouralskbank, invited students of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law to undertake an internship at his bank with the possibility of further employment within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement with USUE.   
The head of the bank addressed the fourth-year students of the USUE Department of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit. During the lecture, Vladimir Elmanin spoke about the history of Pervouralskbank and its achievements, made a presentation of banking programs, and told about the advantages of working at a regional bank.  
Besides, Pervouralskbank and USUE officials agreed to establish a corporate scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law majoring in Economics, Finance and Credit, and Jurisprudence and actively involved in research. Applicants for this support will be determined by a special commission, which will include USUE teachers and bank top managers. It is also planned that representatives of Pervouralskbank will continue the joint work on a series of textbooks with the USUE Department of Finance, Money Circulation, and Credit.

 Larisa Yuzvovich, head of the Department of Finance, Money Circulation, and Credit, formulated proposals to the bank management in line with interaction between theory and practice:
- To take an active part in the professional and public accreditation of the bachelor's degree program "Finance and Credit"

- To form a corporate group for the master’s degree program "Financial Markets and Investments" (an intra-extramural or extramural form of study)

- To add practitioners from among the bank top managers to the State Examination Board

- To implement the approved pool of public lectures on banking for bachelor's and master's students. 

Vladimir Elmanin, Chairman of the Management Board of Pervouralskbank, invited students of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law to undertake an internship at his bank with the possibility of further employment within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement with USUE.   

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