USUE Students learned about problems and areas of modern economics development

November 8, undergraduates, graduates and postgraduate students of Ural State University of Economics attended a lecture «Areas of modern economic science development».

The lecturer was Yevgeny Popov, Corresponding Member of RAS, scientific secretary of the UB RAS. The expert described the directions of the development of the world economic science and its prospects in the Urals.

«To date, there are three problems. First of all, this is a crisis of the neoclassical paradigm since many things do not correspond to the real economy and there is no way to predict a crisis. Besides, there is a sharp increase in the diversity of economic activities. The market does not provide what we want to have because of state influence at different stages,» Yevgeny Popov explained.

In addition, throughout the day, participants of the Economist’s Week are doing the quest «Looking into the Future», and the students of Yekaterinburg coll eges are solving tasks of Olympiad in Economics.

It is worth noting that the opening of the Economist’s Week at USUE was on 7 November. During the week, the participants will visit the Technopark «Universitetskiy», the museum of the Kalinin machine-building plant, Sysert porcelain factory, as well as Coca-Cola factory and PSM-HYDRAULICS. In addition, at the USUE library, everyone can become acquainted with the exhibition of economic literature.

The detailed program can be found here.

November 8, undergraduates, graduates and postgraduate students of Ural State University of Economics attended a lecture «Areas of modern economic science development».

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