USUE students have proved to be experienced searchers

Director of Museum of Military Equipment of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) Alexander Yemelyanov thanked the USUE Rector Yakov Silin and University students Taras Marchenko and Viktoria Spiridonova for participation in the International search expedition in the vicinity of Reims (France).

«During the expedition, the USUE students have proved to be experienced searchers who have deep knowledge and professional skills. During the expedition, the searchers managed to find about a hundred items of equipment, weapons and combat garment of the First World War. The main result of the excavations was the discovery of the remains of a Russian soldier. The remains of the hero will be buried at the Russian necropolis of Saint-Hilaire-le Grand, near Mourmelon,» the director of the UMMC Museum said.

We would like to remind that the student search group «Honor and Memory» participated in  the «Memory Vigil» in the Kursk region. Our students, together with searchers from Kursk, Astrakhan, Karachay-Cherkessia and other regions were looking for mass-casualty burial on the battlefields of 1941-1943.During the period of «Memory Vigil», the group lifted the remains of thirty Soviet soldiers, whose reburial took place on 21 August in Kursk, in the park «Nightingale Grove».

After the search works in Kursk, two searchers went to France. There they took part in the first International search expedition in the footsteps of the First World War. Near the town of Courcy, members of the USUE search group Victoria Spiridonova and Taras Marchenko spent ten days on the battlefield of the Russian Expeditionary Corps, where, according to historians, about six thousand Russian soldiers fell.

Director of Museum of Military Equipment of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) Alexander Yemelyanov thanked the USUE Rector Yakov Silin and University students Taras Marchenko and Viktoria Spiridonova for participation in the International search expedition in the vicinity of Reims (France).

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