USUE students become acquainted with the work of public authorities

October 2, 2017, students of Ural State University of Economics majoring in «Public and municipal administration» took a tour of the embankment of the river Iset and administrative institutions in the city center. The tour was held by the head of Information and Consultation Office at the Mayor’s library Olga Mordvinova. It was organized by Associate Professor at the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Sulimin.

Such tours are offered by the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration every year. According to Vladimir Sulimin, they help juniors provide insight into the practical and theoretical aspects of public authorities work and introduce them into the selected occupation of a civil servant. «It is very important to give students an understanding of all aspects of work in government: you need to know a lot of economic and management issues. During the excursion, we tell students about culture, about the city’s places of interest, and its history. Together with students we meet with the head of the Leninsky District Dmitry Nozhenko, visit the Administration of the city and other urban facilities,» he said.

Introduction to the practice and theory of public service touched upon many aspects of the professional activities of a public manager. The students learned what competencies a specialist of the state and municipal service should possess.

Meetings with the heads of districts and employees of local governments provide an opportunity to immerse students in their future profession, to get them interested, to show how managers of local government and enterprises administrate the area to develop small businesses in the territory of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Oblast. Students in practice develop communication skills, learn to convince opponents, to manage a territory, and to control their emotions and knowledge.

After training, they will be able to apply the acquired skills and develop the Ural region.

We thank USUE Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin, head of Curriculum and Instruction Office Vladimir Merkulev, chair of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration Dmitry Nozhenko, Deputy Chair of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration professor Natalia Vlasova, and Academic Secretary of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration Elena Molokova for their assistance in organizing the tours.

October 2, 2017, students of Ural State University of Economics majoring in «Public and municipal administration» took a tour of the embankment of the river Iset and administrative institutions in the city center. The tour was held by the head of Information and Consultation Office at the Mayor’s library Olga Mordvinova. It was organized by Associate Professor at the USUE Department of Public and Municipal Administration, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Sulimin.

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