Students of Uzbek universities will take part in the XIII EEYF

Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov is on a working visit to Uzbekistan, where the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum opens its new site this year.

During a working visit to Uzbekistan, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy, Roman Krasnov visited Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE), which will become another venue for the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. In spring 2023, TSUE will hold EEYF competitions for students and young scientists studying at the universities of the republic. It is planned that the total number of EEYF sites will be ten, and Tashkent State University of Economics and Vladivostok State University will be co-organizers of the Forum for the first time.

Rector Kongratbai Sharipov confirmed the readiness of the University of Tashkent to be the EEYF site in the current and subsequent years, so the main issues discussed at the meeting between the main coordinators of the forum were the organization of the site, selection of competitions, and number of participants. As the EEYF site, Tashkent State University of Economics will bring in other Uzbek universities to take part in the forum. The competition events of the XIII EEYF at the TSUE site will be held in-person and online formats. The winners will go to Ural State University of Economics to participate in the XIII EEYF finals to take place from April 24 to April 28.

During his visit to Uzbekistan, Roman Krasnov visited Samarkand State University, where he discussed the cooperation program with the SamSU Vice-rector for International Cooperation, Akmal Akhatov, and adviser to the rector for international affairs, Mukhtor Nasyrov. Samarkand colleagues confirmed the participation of the university delegation in the main and competitive program of the XIII EEYF. Besides, during the negotiations, they discussed some issues of strengthening exchange programs and networking between the two universities. The parties agreed to analyze their and partner’s curricula to set a joint academic program in the future.

USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov is on a working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan

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