Step to success

Today, at the Tashkent State Economic University, a ceremonial presentation of diplomas took place to the first graduates of the joint educational master's program of USUE and TSUE, as well as to the third graduate of the bachelor's degree. The award ceremony took place with the participation of the rector of the Ural State University of Economics, Yakov Silin.

USUE was also represented by the vice-rector for educational and methodological work and quality of education, Dmitry Karkh, and the director of the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education, Ekaterina Yalunina.

“For several years now, our university has been training specialists who contribute to strengthening cooperation between our two countries, connected not only by friendship, but also by common goals. Together we are becoming stronger, and this relationship between our countries opens up new prospects for us. Congratulations on completing your studies!” - USUE Rector Yakov Silin congratulated the graduates.

This year, USUE and TSUE graduated students for the first time under the double master's degree program. For two years, students studied full-time at their university and remotely at USUE. 18 graduates became specialists in the field of business expertise in pricing, product markets and services, and 8 people became specialists in project and program management.

Also, 155 bachelors received diplomas of higher education. The number of students who completed the double degree program in Business Analytics was 37 people, Corporate Business and Project Management was 46 people, Finance and Credit was 40 people and Project and Program Management was 32 people.

Many of them expressed a desire to continue their studies at the master's level.

The graduates thanked the Ural State University of Economics for the high-quality organization of the educational process, the friendly attitude of the teachers, as well as for the acquired knowledge and skills. In addition, they expressed gratitude to the rector of USUE Yakov Silin for the opportunity to participate in the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

About 200 graduates of Tashkent University received USUE diplomas

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