Where there is an entrepreneur there is success!

The USUE Recreation Center gathered the brightest and most successful entrepreneurs of the Sverdlovsk region. At the University, the Regional Union of Small and Medium Enterprises celebrated the professional holiday - the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship.

Welcoming the guests, the USUE Rector Yakov Silin noted, "Entrepreneurs are a special professional environment, which has always been respected in Russia. The University and business community can be useful to each other: we train high skilled specialists whom small and medium-sized enterprises in the Ural region need to have. The University is always ready for such cooperation. I wish you the most ambitious projects and prosperity for your business! "

Congratulating the guests, the president of the Union of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region Anatoly Filippenko announced that the event was of an international significance since it was attended by Consul of Bulgaria in Yekaterinburg Plamen Petkov and Consul General of the Czech Republic in Yekaterinburg Josef Maršícek. The diplomats noted the interest of the regional government in developing international cooperation and creating a favorable business climate for foreign entrepreneurs. This confirms the growing interest of European companies in localizing production in the Sverdlovsk region. Therefore, in 2017 the mutual trade turnover between the Sverdlovsk region and the Czech Republic reached record levels: it amounted to 375 million US dollars, having exceeded the volume of last year's trade by 70% and in general the previous annual indicators of long-term statistics.

Deputy Head of the Yekaterinburg City Administration Vladimir Bolikov stressed that Ural entrepreneurs continued their glorious merchant traditions and made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy. Last year, the city's trade turnover exceeded 700 billion rubles, 200 billion rubles of which fall to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is these companies that create jobs for half of the working people in Yekaterinburg. The mayor’s office official confirmed the readiness of the authorities for a dialogue with the business community with a view to creating a comfortable environment for the development of entrepreneurship and support for new initiatives.

At the event, the winners of the contest of women entrepreneurs were awarded. They received gift certificates and flowers from the hands of the president of the Union of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region Anatoly Filippenko. Besides, the meeting gave recognition to the contribution of the best leaders of business associations to the development of entrepreneurship.

The USUE Recreation Center gathered the brightest and most successful entrepreneurs of the Sverdlovsk region. At the University, the Regional Union of Small and Medium Enterprises celebrated the professional holiday - the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship.

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