Ural State University of Economics is organizing a dance flash mob, Victory Waltz, in honor of May 9 for the tenth time. Everyone can join the action! The video of the master class is already available here.

In the first rehearsal, only students from Ural State University of Economics took part. The boys and girls, under the guidance of the choreographer, began to learn the dance steps. The melody of this year’s flash mob is the touching composition Victory Waltz performed by the Volgograd group Dynasty.

“Anyone can master dance steps: at any age, position, profession. Please join the Victory Waltz flash mob. This will be the tenth anniversary event and we are preparing something special for the audience!” choreographer Dmitry Samylov said.

All participants will be divided into 2 subgroups. During the classes, students will learn combinations and dance patterns. And as the warmer weather rolls around, we will hold rehearsals outside, on the square in front of the USUE main building.

“I decided to join the university’s event because in the city of Mednogorsk, where I’m from, I danced every year on May 9. The only difficulty you may encounter during preparation is a poorly dancing partner. But this can be easily remedied!” Polina Krivoshchekova, a first- year student at the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security, says.

There are no age restrictions for participants: last year over 400 people danced, the youngest being 5 years and the oldest  - 82. Residents of all regions of Russia and countries can participate. For this purpose, we have organized a Video Clip Festival: everyone can record their performance using a video lesson with basic steps for preparation.

On May 9, in honor of the 79th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, dozens of couples of Sverdlovsk residents, young and old, will dance a festive waltz on the square in front of the USUE main building. At the end of the flash mob, participants will unfurl the Russian silk tricolor on the square and sing in chorus the legendary song Victory Day.

Ural State University of Economics is organizing a dance flash mob, Victory Waltz, in honor of May 9 for the tenth time

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