The table tennis team of Ural State University of Economics took 2nd place in the Sverdlovsk regional Universiade -2018. The competition for high awards has got going among the best tennis players of 12 universities.
The teams met on April 22. Ural State University of Economics was defended by Nikita Anokhin (15-03 ZIO), Konstantin Kislitsyn (UK-17-1), Semyon Razhev (EKIP-14-1), and Andrey Semenov (M-15-1).
As a result of a long and intense competition, the students of USUE took the second place. The main opponents of our team were sportsmen of the Ural State Mining University.
According to the coach of the USUE table tennis team Valery Nadeev, the competition with this team has been going on for several years. "The game of our team for the first place was expected. Our main opponents were again the guys from the Ural State Mining University. Each of the teams at the Universiade presented its strongest players, but to win we ran short of a bit of luck," the coach commented.

The table tennis team of Ural State University of Economics took 2nd place in the Sverdlovsk regional Universiade -2018. The competition for high awards has got going among the best tennis players of 12 universities.

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