«Test Drive: Employer — University — Youth»

The Division of Interaction with Employers and HR Development at the USUE Human Resources Department held an annual «Test Drive: Employer — School — Youth». The event is designed to improve the quality of interaction between universities, employers and young professionals.

At one ground, representatives of employers, university community and those of students exchanged views and experiences. This time, the program of the event included presentation and discussion of new projects of the Division of Interaction with Employers and HR Development.

The meeting was opened by USUE Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Sergei Rogozhin, «We have entered a new academic year, and again we are pondering how to communicate with employers. The Rector of the University Yakov Silin has set this as one of the main goals of the University. The region is developing thanks to professional specialists; therefore, our educational programs also are being changed to fit the requirements of employers.»

Svitlana Dolzhenko, head of USUE HR Department, spoke about the structure and functions of the department and about the results for the year. In addition, Svetlana Dolzhenko shared an idea, which the Department is implementing together with the USUE Alumni Association. «We would like to establish an award „Best USUE Employer “. We decided that for economic university it is impossible to determine only one winner, so we decided to have nominations for small, medium and large businesses, as well as state-funded organizations,» she said.

Svetlana Dolzhenko told how to participate, who will evaluate and what criteria will be used for assessing. Employers’ representatives noted that there is no such prize in any university and that they are interested in participating in such an event.

Elena Ovsyannikova, head of the Division of Interaction with Employers and HR Development, presented information digest «Professional Diving — 2017».

Svetlana Patutina, lead specialist of the Division of Interaction with Employers and HR Development, told about an electronic portfolio of an economic university student. This will serve as a new tool for interaction between universities, employers, and young professionals.

At the end of the meeting, employers shared their experience of successful interaction with universities and work with students.

The Division of Interaction with Employers and HR Development at the USUE Human Resources Department held an annual «Test Drive: Employer — School — Youth». The event is designed to improve the quality of interaction between universities, employers and young professionals.

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