TNU admits applications for participation in 14 EEYF competitions

The XII EEYF coordinators from Ural State University of Economics and its partner university, Tajik National University (TNU), met at a videoconference. 

The parties discussed the participation of Tajik National University in the XII EEYF: the university will hold 14 competitions on its site within 5 Congresses.  

The coordinators discussed opportunities for interaction between students in the preparation of competition works. Roman Krasnov, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work sounded that both individual and group projects (of 2-5 authors) are allowed to participate in the competitions. If a group work wins, all authors will be equally awarded.   

The most successful participants, who made it into the top five finalists, will present their projects at the final stage of the forum in Yekaterinburg, which, by the way, will be attended by experts from TNU. 

The TNU delegation will also arrive in Yekaterinburg for the EEYF Final. The guests will have an entertainment program ahead, including a visit to the border of Europe and Asia.

The conference participants from Central Asia thanked for the opportunity to meet and ask questions of concern. They expressed hope for the successful implementation of all joint plans.

Each EEYF site, including Tajik National University, has its page on the forum website. Registration of participants on the EEYF website has already begun.

The XII EEYF coordinators from Ural State University of Economics and its partner university, Tajik National University (TNU), met at a videoconference. 

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