The traditional parade of Russian students united the whole country

In Yekaterinburg, a four-thousand parade of first-year students took place. All-Russian procession was supported by students of 18 universities of the city. A grandiose Matriculation ceremony united the whole country. Thirty nine cities participated in a teleconference with Yekaterinburg.

The thousands-strong column began to move from the Theater of Drama. Students of Ural State University of Economics numbered about 250 people. This Russian tradition proved of interest to the USUE Association of International Students. The event was supported by guests from countries of Africa and Europe.

Freshers waked with posters, banners, and balloons. Multicolor flow (each student was in exclusive colors of his/her educational institution) was not only clearly seen but also well-heard: students were shouting cheers and chants.

Having walked along the embankment, the procession stopped in the Historic Square. The parade participants were congratulated by the Deputy Minister of Education of the Sverdlovsk region, Nina Zhuravleva, "Dear freshers, now you have a new status - a university student. They say: we always remember the first and last word. That is what we have. Let your first academic year be filled with bright events, knowledge and, of course, your success. Let scholarships be enhanced, and your knowledge be assessed objectively. "

Here, in the heart of Yekaterinburg, freshers pronounced the oath of a Russian student, after which they released balloons into the sky. The students had an opportunity to see how this day is celebrated all over Russia. The direct teleconference connected Yekaterinburg with Moscow, Barnaul, Maikop, Sevastopol, and other cities. The parade ended with a festive concert, where the main actors were the students of Yekaterinburg universities.

The parade of Russian students this year was held for the fifteenth time. The goal of the project emerged in 2002 was to give the opportunity for freshers, yesterday's school leavers, to feel part of one large student family. This is a kind of starting-off in an interesting and full of fun student’s life.

In Yekaterinburg, a four-thousand parade of first-year students took place. All-Russian procession was supported by students of 18 universities of the city. A grandiose Matriculation ceremony united the whole country. Thirty nine cities participated in a teleconference with Yekaterinburg.

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