Business has a female face

USUE has become a platform for the forum “International Cooperation of Women Entrepreneurs - a Way to Sustainable Development” as part of the IX Russian-Kyrgyz interregional conference.

The forum was opened by the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Vasily Kozlov. He wished successful work to the participants: “To build the capacity of women, in 2020, on behalf of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region Yevgeny Kuyvashev, the Government of the region established cooperation with UN Women. Our focus is on the development of women’s entrepreneurship to achieve the social well-being of the residents of the Sverdlovsk region. I am sure that the forum will be full of meaningful and interesting work, and, most importantly, the participants will work out joint practical solutions and recommendations to improve the situation of women entrepreneurs. The ideas developed during the forum will be included in the book The Sverdlovsk Region and the Sustainable Development Goals, which is annually published by us and presented at the sites of the UN international organizations.”

There are more and more women in politics taking top positions in government bodies, including parliaments, and we observe this trend not only in Russia (and the Sverdlovsk region in particular) but also abroad.

Elvira Surabaldieva, a deputy of the Jogorku Kengesh of the Kyrgyz Republic, member of the Committee on Budget, Economic and Fiscal Policy, thanked for high-level organization of the forum and noted that women offered their ideas for the political and social spheres.

 Women entrepreneurs successfully work in education and culture, healthcare and sports, open their own companies, and develop domestic tourism, creating clusters in the Sverdlovsk region.

It should be noted that the interregional forum “International Cooperation of Women Entrepreneurs - a Way to Sustainable Development” was organized by the Government of the Sverdlovsk region with the support of the Consulate General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Yekaterinburg, the Committee for Women’s Entrepreneurship Development under the Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of “OPORA RUSSIA,” and Sverdlovsk regional public organization “Kyrgyzstan- Ural.“

At USUE, women entrepreneurs from Russia and Kyrgyzstan discussed pressing issues.

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