A new EEYF partner from the UK

In 2022, the list of permanent partners of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum may be supplemented by the Eurasian Creative Guild (ECG), a British non-profit organization that unites creative people from all over Eurasia since 2015.

We, as an international organization, see many common points of contact for future cooperation. In your forum, various countries of Eurasia are represented, with which we have also cooperated for 20 years: namely, these are the authors of expert articles for OCA Magazine, covering the topics of economy, finance, technology, education, and culture of the CIS countries. Besides, ECG (London) has active members of the Guild in the countries of Eurasia: they are both creative and public figures; corporate members of the Guild - universities, libraries, embassies, and others,” says Arnur Nurtaza, an assistant to ECG Executive Director.

One of the partners of ECG (London) is the British OCA Magazine, which since 2009 has been dedicated to the Eurasian region and describes cultural, political, and economic events. EGG officials expressed interest in the creative part of the upcoming EEYF, which is reflected in the conference "Prospects for the Development of the Gaming Industry under the Digital Economy", including a master class on the mobile games industry and the festival of cultures "Around the World in 7 Days".

In late October - early November 2021, the Executive Director of the Eurasian Creative Guild, Taina Kaunis, is planning a working visit to Yekaterinburg, during which the parties will discuss possible areas of interaction at the XII EEYF.  

In 2022, the list of permanent partners of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum may be supplemented by the Eurasian Creative Guild (ECG), a British non-profit organization that unites creative people from all over Eurasia since 2015.

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