Participation of USUE in the educational program of the additional professional education.

Successfully completed advanced training courses of the CPD “Development, promotion and implementation of additional professional programs in accordance with the requirements of professional standards”. This program is implemented in cooperation with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation within the framework of the national project "Education" and the state program "New opportunities for everyone" with the grant support of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation. 

54 teachers of the Ural state University of Economics graduated from the Higher school of human capital management of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The educational course was held from November 15 to December 9 and included online webinars and lectures on the creation of DPO programs. Participants received access to electronic learning resources from leading practitioners and teachers of the Higher school of human capital management of the Financial University. 

"USUE participation in this program significantly expands the professional competence of teachers in the aspect of applying professional standards in the educational process. This is a new stage of cooperation between our universities, during which prospects for cooperation on the Network silver University are built, " said Elena Knyazeva, Vice-rector for additional education and career guidance at USUE.??

Successfully completed advanced training courses of the CPD “Development, promotion and implementation of additional professional programs in accordance with the requirements of professional standards”.

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