Studying in Finland for students of USUE

Students studying in the 2nd and 3rd year of the training program Tourism can take part in the dual degree program offered by Xamk University of Applied Sciences of Southeast Finland (

Xamk is the fifth largest University of Applied Sciences in Finland. International cooperation is an important part of the University profile. With more than 350 partner universities around the world, Xamk sends and receives about 600 students as part of its student exchange and dual degree programs. After completing studies in Finland, the graduate receives a Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management.
The training program includes practical creation of tourist products, as well as restaurant and catering services in the tourism and service business. The curriculum takes into account international trends and practices in these areas. While studying, students learn modern technologies and digital solutions applied in the areas of tourism and hospitality. The program is intended for one academic year (September-May) and takes place on campus in the city of Mikkeli. During the period of study, the student has to master at least 8 disciplines (40 ECTS), complete the practice, and defend the final thesis research.

Conditions for participation:
- 2nd and 3rd-year students of the training program Tourism;
- English language proficiency (at least B2 level);
- Lack of academic and financial debts at Ural State University of Economics.

The cost:
- 1500 euros for a year of study - from September to May. In case of outstanding academic achievement, it will be possible to return 50% of the cost;
- Approximate monthly costs in Finland:
• accommodation in a student residence - 300-400 euros;
• lunch (campus canteen) - 60 euros;
• food at home - 100 euros;
• textbooks and materials - 40 euros.

Wishing to attend the program may send an application till October 15 to the e-mail of the program coordinator from Ural State University of Economics:, Elena Sosnovskikh, Department of International Cooperation of Ural State University of Economics.

Students studying in the 2nd and 3rd year of the training program Tourism can take part in the dual degree program offered by Xamk University of Applied Sciences of Southeast Finland (

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