USUE representatives for the fifth time participated in annual CBI (IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics), the main event in the field of business informatics research.

The conference has been held for more than 20 years in different cities of the world. This year it took place in Antwerp. In the last 2 years, USUE was a co-organizer of the ITSS workshop dedicated to research related to big data analysis, business intelligence, and Internet technologies. This year the conference was organized by the University of Antwerp. The co-organizers of the sections were Ural State University of Economics under the leadership of Dr. Dmitry Nazarov and HSE University represented by Prof. Mikhail Komarov and Prof. Svetlana Maltseva.

Over the past 2 years, the participation of scientists from USUE, including young ones, has expanded. The scientists from the USUE Department of Business Informatics Svetlana Begicheva, Denis Kovtun, Anton Nazarov, and Dmitry Nazarov published their materials at this world forum.

USUE representatives for the fifth time participated in annual CBI (IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics), the main event in the field of business informatics research.

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