USUE scientists are often quoted!

Ural State University of Economics took positions in two areas at once in the ranking of the Expert Analytical Center.

The Expert Analytical Center summed up the results of the seventh wave of the study of the publication activity of Russian universities. It launched a comprehensive project to analyze the development of universities in 2016 to track the results of changes in the system of higher education and science within the Project 5-100. The completion of the program at the end of 2020 became the starting point for the next stage in the development of Russian universities through the support of a new program, Priority 2030.

This year, 132 Russian universities were involved in the ranking and some of them fell into several subject areas at once. USUE was ranked in two areas:

1) Economics (economics, econometrics and finance) - position 17-18 (among 23 Russian universities included);

2) Management (business, management and accounting) - position 27-29 (with 40 universities on the list).

The strongest ranking indicators in these areas for USUE are “Demand for scientific activity” and “Quality of university growth”.

USUE has entered the publication activity ranking of Russian universities - 2022.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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