The scientist told how the hybrid war against Russia was being waged

The Vice-Rector of the Russian State Social University delivered a lecture on the hybrid wars of our time to USUE teachers and guests. A specialist in hybrid warfare told what to do not to become a victim of disinformation.

Jomart Aliyev has been dealing with the issues of information and hybrid wars for a long time. October 12, he spoke to his colleagues from USUE to share his experience and expand interuniversity cooperation on this topic.

This term was first formulated by scientists at the British University of Cambridge in 2001. During such wars, there may be a minimum of military clashes or even none at all. But a hybrid war is always an aggressive information impact, diplomatic pressure, a surge of crime, terrorist attacks, and hostile propaganda.

 “Today, this issue for us is not just an abstraction, because a similar hybrid war is being waged against Russia right now,” USUE Rector Yakov Silin expressed his principled position.

For many years, USUE has been the leader in Yekaterinburg for information work with students. The struggle for the minds and souls of the young generation is perhaps the major battlefield of a hybrid war. After the start of the special military operation, this experience turned out to be more in demand.

It is not surprising that not only USUE teachers and staff came to expand their knowledge of the subject but also representatives of several backbone Sverdlovsk universities at once: Ural State Mining University, Ural State Pedagogical University, Russian Vocational Pedagogical University, the Ural Institute of Management - branch of RANEPA, Ural State Medical University, UMMC Technical University, and others. Some officials of municipal and state authorities were also present.

During the lecture, Jomart Aliyev described several cases of hybrid wars from the point of view of the economy, the country’s international image, and the psychological impact of opponents on each other.

We can talk about a military clash on the front line, related economic processes, and the emotional reaction of our own or foreign citizens. Social psychology almost always remains at the forefront. It does not matter whether we are talking about the Napoleonic conquests or the era of the Cold War.

For two days, USUE will become Yekaterinburg’s main educational platform related to issues of hybrid wars

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