We teach business analytics

The textbook “Information technologies in professional activities: data mining and business analytics” became the silver medalist of the V All-Russian competition for authors of educational literature “Professional Education”. This is a joint work of the head of the department of business informatics Dmitry Nazarov and 2nd year master’s student, USUE college teacher Anton Kopnin.

The book is intended for college and technical school students. The first part of its name is consonant with the discipline that students study. However, the authors paid special attention to the issues of business analytics.

“The textbook examines the development of information technology in the broadest sense through the prism of the information revolution. It was this unusual approach that interested the publishing house and allowed it to win a 2nd degree diploma in the category “Engineering, Technology and Technical Sciences,” said the head of the Department of Business Informatics at USUE, Doctor of Economics Dmitry Nazarov.

The book describes in detail such concepts as Data Science, Data mining, Machine learning, describes IT professions from web designers to developers and analyzes the demand for specialists in the labor market of different continents . The practical part presents the results of using Russian software products for business analytics. At the end of each chapter there are control questions and tests, which is very important for consolidating the material. The total volume of scientific work was 254 pages.

“The tutorial will be a useful assistant for those who want to expand their knowledge and skills in using the Python and R programming languages for data analysis. The book is made using the “Key by-Key” method (key by key), a detailed step-by-step description of the theoretical basis is accompanied by visual illustrations, and practical tasks were tested in pairs devoted to the basics of algorithmization and programming,” noted USUE college teacher, master’s student Anton Kopnin.

The well-deserved award was presented to the group of authors by the rector of USUE Yakov Silin. The printed version of the book is planned to be released to the masses by August 2024. It will be recommended for distribution to the libraries of all specialized educational organizations in the country.

The USUE textbook on information technology became a prize-winner of the All-Russian competition

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