Chairman of the Expert Council on Financial Literacy under the Bank of Russia Anatoly Gavrilenko gave a lecture “Financial literacy - the responsibility of the Youth of Asia, Russia, and Africa" to USUE students.
The lecture was held as part of the Congress of Financiers at IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

The meeting was not in a traditional format. "It is important for me to share my experience with you, with younger generation, it gives me the strength to work. I would like to be useful. Therefore, please ask me questions, I will tell you about what you are interested in," Anatoly Gavrilenko said.
The lecture implies the idea that literacy of population is a guarantee of the financial well-being of a country. Anatoly Gavrilenko defined a set of "literacy rules" in everyday life:
• Make a matter of conscience, and not as you are told
• The only people who can borrow you money are your parents
• No one needs to fight with anyone
• Try to find something good even in the most unpleasant person,
• Be responsible for those you have tamed
• Smile
• Listen to parents and elders
• Remember that any failure is an experience
• Respect the laws
• Enthusiasm and passion are sometimes more important than skills and talents

"Young people need to learn how to think, learn to tell the truth, forgive people for minor weaknesses and insults, and allow people to do you good," the lecturer shared.

He also added that financial literacy derives from the word “literacy”: "It is better to be literate than illiterate. Financial literacy is supported by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and other respected organizations. "
Elena Ovsyannikova , deputy director of the USUE Institute of Finance and Law, asked the speaker whether it was possible to collaborate with young people in financial literacy, how it should be, and what result should be.
"It needs to be, in my opinion. For three years we have run an expert council on financial literacy of the CIS countries. And this includes young people involvement. We have the Young Financiers League. It consists of 160 cool students from various Moscow universities,. They became one big community. I suggested Elena Yuryevna here in the Urals to establish a branch of the Young Financiers League, too, " Anatoly Gavrilenko said.
According to the speaker, in the age of digitization, not only financial, but also digital literacy is important. "Today, thinking about financial literacy and not talking about digital literacy is already the last century," the listeners agreed. Digital literacy is essential for the safe and efficient use of digital technologies and Internet resources.

Chairman of the Expert Council on Financial Literacy under the Bank of Russia Anatoly Gavrilenko gave a lecture “Financial literacy - the responsibility of the Youth of Asia, Russia, and Africa" to USUE students. The lecture was held as part of the Congress of Financiers at IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

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