Strengthening ties

A delegation from Tajikistan arrived at USUE. USUE rector Yakov Silin and the Chairman of the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan, Davlatali Said, discussed the prospects for cooperation in education.

Cooperation in the trade, economic and humanitarian spheres connects the Sverdlovsk and Khatlon regions.

During the negotiations, the partners discussed the prospects for cooperation in education. USUE rector Yakov Silin noted that today 102 students from Tajikistan were studying at the university. Besides, there are citizens of the friendly country among the teaching staff, for example, Boisdzhoni Tohiriyon, the youngest Doctor of Sciences at USUE, a member of the dissertation council on biotechnologies, a native of Tajikistan.

Davlatali Said expressed interest in the joint training of skilled personnel in economics. There are 7 higher educational institutions in the Khatlon region, but universities do not train specialists in economic forecasting. According to the chairman of the region, additional education programs for Tajik professors and teachers could solve this problem.

USUE rector Yakov Silin invited the Tajik delegation to take part in the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum to be held in Yekaterinburg from April 22 to 26, emphasizing that last year the Tajik National University in Dushanbe was one of the EEYF platforms.

Apart from that, at Ural State University of Economics, Davlatali Said, met with representatives of the Tajik community in the Ural Federal District.


A delegation from Tajikistan arrived at USUE

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