It so happened that in the first days of December the university celebrates its birthday.

The order to open the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economics from September 10, 1967 was issued September 2, but even before that, decisions had been made about what would be taught at the institute, who would head it and where the first students will be placed. Based on the branch of Moscow Institute of National Economy (now the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) and the Faculty of Economics of the Ural State University (now part of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin), an institute of national economics appeared in the Ural region.

Classes began in early October. The structure of the faculties was sorted out at the beginning of November, and the building of the former Theological School (the very one that we today call the “old building”) was given over to the young institute just before the New Year.

Our university still stays young, all the time being at the junction of changes and classics, lightning-fast trends and steadily proven practices. We are always on the move, always ahead of the curve.

We congratulate all teachers, students, managers and staff, graduates and veterans of USUE on the anniversary of the university and wish them vivacity, high spirits, and further educational and scientific achievements!

Congratulations to our dear university on its anniversary!

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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