February 5, 2021, on the eve of the Russian Science Day, there was a working meeting between the Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Valentina Lavrik and USUE rector Yakov Silin on the arrangement of the Crimean site of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum and participation of schoolchildren and students of the peninsula in EEYF contests.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region Yuri Biktuganov, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Timur Asanov, USUE Vice-rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov, head of the USUE Department for Admission and Pre-University Training Irina Martyanova, First Vice-rector of the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov (KIPU) Angelica Luchinkina, director of the Minor Academy of Sciences, and headmasters of Simferopol gymnasiums.

The parties discussed the prospects that cooperation based on the youth scientific forum would open. In addition to developing the research potential of Crimean students, the joint holding of the Forum will allow exchanging best practices in the involvement of schoolchildren and students in science and, in general, will have an impact on improving the quality of education.
It should be noted that an important task for all representatives of educational environment is the training of highly qualified specialists who would study in the region they live in and would stay there after graduation.

USUE rector Yakov Silin, speaking of the international scale of EEYF that attracts participants from dozens of countries, expressed the organizers' intention to expand physical boundaries in the new decade of the forum history and to arrange an EEYF site in Crimea.

Irina Martyanova spoke about the sections and stages of the Congress of Schoolchildren and one of the most interesting events of the forum - "Intellect of Eurasia" game.
At the end of March, experts from Crimea and Ural will jointly select participants for the final stage of the EEYF Congress of Schoolchildren.

February 5, 2021, on the eve of the Russian Science Day, there was a working meeting between the Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea Valentina Lavrik and USUE rector Yakov Silin on the arrangement of the Crimean site of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum and participation of schoolchildren and students of the peninsula in EEYF contests.

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