Ural Region and Vietnam - the prospect of educational cooperation

Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting between the rector of the USUE, Yakov Silin, the USUE vice-rector for social work with the Consul General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Yekaterinburg Ngo Phuong Nghi. 

Mr. Ngo Phuong Nghi said that the goal of the Consulate is to increase the number of Vietnamese students at universities in the Urals and Siberia, in particular, at USUE-a University that trains the economic elite of the Ural region, as well as Russia and the CIS countries.

 In turn, Yakov Silin said that the Ural state University of Economics is ready to actively develop cooperation in the field of education with institutions in Vietnam, to make mutual exchange of students with the aim of training and internship abroad and accept students of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Preparatory Department of the USUE and the bachelor. 

Noticed, that USUE has signed 2 agreements with educational institutions in Vietnam − with the University of Hanoi and the Hanoi branch of the Pushkin Institute of Russian language. In the period from 2018 to 2020, 13 students of the Republic study at the University.? 

Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting between the rector of the USUE, Yakov Silin, the USUE vice-rector for social work with the Consul General of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Yekaterinburg Ngo Phuong Nghi.

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