«Ural meetings 2017»: new technologies of public finance

Traditional "Ural meetings-2017" organized by the research and production association "SAPPHIRE", the Union of Financiers of Russia and the publishing house "Budget" broke the record on the duration of the event and geography of participants.

Since 2017, Ural State University of Economics has officially joined the community of organizers of "Ural Meetings".

For 3 days, more than 270 guests from all over Russia were participants of a practical seminar devoted to discussion of the best practices of project approaches to managing public finances at the regional and municipal levels.

On the first day of the seminar, organized jointly with Ural State University of Economics, and after the welcome speech of its Rector Yakov Silin, a report on the innovations in the budget law was delivered by the RF Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Lavrov.

"I am glad to welcome all participants of the traditional All-Russian seminar "Ural Meetings" which is a landmark event not only for the Sverdlovsk region and the Ural Federal District but for the entire country as a platform for dialogue between science, education, business, and government on the most important issues for Russia in the development of financial sphere," Yakov Silin said opening the" Ural Meetins-2017."

The Rector noted that the SAPPHIRE scientific and production association is the moderator of the Ural Meetings, with whom Ural State University of Economics has long-term successful projects and joint educational programs.

"Starting this year, our University has officially joined the community of "Ural Meetings" organizers and we hope that this cooperation will continue in future, and we all together contribute to the development of our society, economy, and finance," Yakov Silin announced.

In December 2017, the University celebrates its 50th anniversary. "Over 50 years we have trained over 110 thousand highly qualified specialists, about 25 thousand being financiers. These are leading specialists and employees of the municipal, regional, and some of them of the federal level. Therefore, our University is interested in all forms of interaction with science, education, business, government, and civil society institutions. We are open to working together and mutually beneficial projects," the USUE Rector said.

Alexey Lavrov in his speech touched upon the following issues:

  • administrative responsibility at the stages of budget planning;
  • toughening of responsibility for non-fulfillment of a state (municipal) task;
  • non-mandatory use of the basic federal list of public services;
  • introduction of a regional basic list of public services;
  • the issuance of budgetary credits under the guarantee that the funds received from the RF Ministry of Finance will not be placed on deposits for a period of more than 1 month;
  • provision of the main accompanying documents to the law "On the budget" in electronic form - the norm that will be in effect when forming the federal budget;
  • possibility of redistributing the funds of "pilot" state programs implemented on a project basis with a time limit of up to one year without introducing changes to the budgetary list;
  • distribution of budget balances in the overnight and over-day regime with subsequent distribution of income, in proportion to the invested funds;
  • improving the mechanisms of horizontal transfers (between municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
  • reduction of the maximum size of budget deficits in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from 15% to 10%;
  • conditions for additional allocations to local budgets (including non-tax revenues);
  • adoption of a new version of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation from 01.01.2019.

Besides, a presentation was made by Ilya Vinokurov, head of Project Management Department at the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. 

The second day was held at the Government of the Sverdlovsk region and the Ministry of Finance of the region. The event was opened by Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk region - Sverdlovsk region Minister of Finance Galina Kulachenko and First Deputy of Sverdlovsk region Governor Alexei Orlov.

Alexei Orlov outlined the important role of project-based mechanisms in the reform of public finances and the techniques of the Sverdlovsk region in the implementation of project management methods.

A report was delivered by Marat Shamyunov, head of the Budgetary Legislation Department of the Russian Federation Ministry of Finance.

The third day of the seminar was hosted by the Zarechny urban district. After excursions around the city and to the Museum of Stone Carving, the guests visited the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant and got acquainted with the production of electricity at the third power unit - the BN-600 reactor.

The host of the third day was Nikolay Begchin, Deputy Director of the Budget Methodology and Public Sector Financial Accounting Department at the RF Ministry of Finance. In his report, Nicholay Begchin identified the planned legislative approaches for the integration of program-target and project methods into the management of public finances.

Ural State University of Economics and SAPPHIRE hope that a rich program of "Ural Meetings", a currently important agenda, and our Ural hospitality will continue to gather true professionals - financiers and economists from all over Russia.

Traditional "Ural meetings-2017" organized by the research and production association "SAPPHIRE", the Union of Financiers of Russia and the publishing house "Budget" broke the record on the duration of the event and geography of participants.

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