Representatives of the scientific community, leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of economics and entrepreneurship, as well as representatives of government authorities spoke at the plenary session of the forum "Ural - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia".

The second day of the forum opened with a plenary session. It began with a welcoming speech by the Member of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of USUE Yakov Silin.

Yakov Silin emphasized that science and education are the backbone directions in the life of the state, and noted the contribution of the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO Russia) to the development of our country.

“The Ural Economic Forum, which is being held under the auspices of the Free Economic Society of Russia, is a unique platform that unites the smartest people from all over the world. I am glad that thanks to the forum we can conduct an open dialogue not only with other regions of Russia, but also with the leading countries of the world, ”said Yakov Silin.

As the organizer of the most important event for the Russian economy, USUE Rector Yakov Silin thanked the President of the VEO of Russia Sergei Bodrunov for cooperation with the university and active participation in the forum. “Sergei Dmitrievich is a recognized expert in the field of economics, who has lectured for the world's leading universities. We are proud that he is an honorary professor at our university, ”said Yakov Silin.

Also, Deputy Head of Yekaterinburg Dmitry Nozhenko and Director of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, Doctor of Economics Yulia Lavrikova addressed the guests and participants of the forum.

Yulia Lavrikova noted that industrially developed regions such as the Urals play a crucial role in the Russian economy. For example, 20 industrially developed regions account for 30.5% of the country's GDP.

Dmitry Nozhenko assessed the impact of the pandemic on various spheres, in particular, the spheres of economy and education.

“For three years the Ural Economic Forum has established itself as a platform for interaction of experts aimed at the innovative development of the Ural region. The relevance of this year's forum topic is obvious: the pandemic has accelerated the development of digital technologies. They are changing the life of society more and more rapidly, and we just need to effectively apply these technologies. The III Ural Economic Forum brings us closer to this goal, ”said the deputy head of the city.

The plenary session continued with expert reports. The audience was addressed by the President of the Free Economic Society of Russia, President of the International Union of Economists, Director of the S. Yu. Witte Institute for New Industrial Development, Honorary Professor of USUE, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sergei Bodrunov, Director of the School of International Business and Entrepreneurship - SIBE), Vice President of the Steinbeiss University of Berlin, Professor Werner G. Feiks, Member of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, Chairman of the Bashkortostan Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Director of the State Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan ", Doctor of Economics, Professor Alexander Degtyarev, Rector of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Sergei Novikov, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Strategic Research of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Alfiya Kuznetsova, Rector of the Ural State Mining University, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Alexey Dushin.

Professor of a friendly USUE University, Werner G. Fiks spoke about the innovations applied in Germany, in particular at the Steinbeis University.

“For the development of the economy, new innovative approaches are required. Innovation is also essential in education. Our university pays great attention to this. For example, we have several quantum computers at our disposal. This is a great contribution to the education of students, but I note that no technologies guarantee the development of leadership qualities, and today it is impossible without them. I am convinced that universities should stimulate the pursuit of leadership among young people. After all, it is she who will manage various sectors in the future, including the economic one, ”concluded Professor Werner G. Fiks.

The results of the plenary session were summed up by a world-renowned scientist, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author of more than 600 scientific papers, Sergei Bodrunov.
“I am grateful to Yakov Petrovich for organizing the forum and creating a platform for discussing the most important issues for the country. The Ural Economic Forum is one of the key Russian events in the field of economics, it improves the industry in theoretical and practical terms. This is especially useful in the context of the development of Industry 4.0, which requires fundamentally new approaches to economic activity, ”said Sergei Bodrunov.

Also, within the framework of the plenary session, an award ceremony was held: the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian highest public economic award "Economist of the Year - 2021" and members of the management team of the Sverdlovsk region "Implementation of the Regional Export Standard 2.0" were noted.

Andrey Besedin, President of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vice President of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, was awarded the diploma of the winner of the regional stage of the "Economist of the Year - 2021" award.

Certificate for the educational program of the Russian Export Center “Foreign Economic Activity. Implementation of Regional Export Standard 2.0 ”was received by the Deputy Head of Yekaterinburg Dmitry Nozhenko, Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region Vasily Kozlov, Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region Sergey Perestoronin, Head of the Export Support Center of the Sverdlovsk Region Tatyana Lagunova.


The regional stage of the All-Russian highest economic award "Economist of the Year - 2021" took place from August to September 2021. The "Economist of the Year - 2021" award is part of a set of events at the All-Russian Economic Meeting dedicated to the Day of the Economist, which is held by the VEO of Russia with the assistance of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

And the regional export standard 2.0 was developed by the Russian Export Center and approved by the decision of the meeting of the project committee of the national project "International Cooperation and Export". The project is designed to provide favorable conditions for the development of exports in the constituent entities of Russia.

Representatives of the scientific community, leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of economics and entrepreneurship, as well as representatives of government authorities spoke at the plenary session of the forum "Ural - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia".

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