Ural branch of VEO of Russia prepares an edited volume of the breakout session of St. Petersburg International Economic Congress

April 2, 2018,  St. Petersburg hosted the 4th Saint Petersburg International Economic Congress (SPEC-2018).

The president of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia, USUE Rector , Professor Yakov Silin became the moderator of the breakout session "The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Digitalization: What Future Can  the Economy Expect?"

Co-moderators of the session were vice president of UrB VEO of Russia, president of the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry Andrei Besedin (Yekaterinburg) and vice president of UrB VEO of Russia, vice-rector for Academic Affairs of South Ural State University, Doctor of Economic Sciences Andrei Shmidt (Chelyabinsk).


Representatives of business, science and government defended about 15 reports:


- Andrei Misyura, a member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the VEO of Russia, General Director of  NPO Automatiki  (Yekaterinburg): "Contribution of NPO Automatiki  to the High-Tech Future of Mankind";


-Andrei Kolganov, head of the laboratory of the comparative study of socio-economic systems at  M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Economics (Moscow.): "Digital Economy and Industrial Technologies";


- Yulia Lavrikova, a member of the Presidium of the UrB VEO of Russia, acting director of the Institute of Economics at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences (Yekaterinburg):"Industrial Future of the Largest City";


- Victoria Akberdina, head of the Department of Regional Industrial Policy and Economic Security, Institute of Economics,  UrB RAS, Doctor of Economics, (Yekaterinburg): "Transformation of Industrial Complex in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution";

- Irina Savelieva, a member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia, Director of the Higher School of Economics and Management at South Ural State University, Doctor of Economics, professor (Chelyabinsk): "Industrial Revolution, and Productivity of Labor in the Russian Federation: Reality And Strategy";

- Alexei Pryadein, a member of the Board of VEO of Russia, Ural Branch, head of the Department of  Economy  at the Yekaterinburg City Administration  (Yekaterinburg): "Strategy for the Development of the Largest City: on the Way to Industrialization 4.0";


- Elena Tkachenko, professor, Department of Economics and Business Management at St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics. (St. Petersburg): "Problems of Technological Audit of Technology Transfer under  Industrialization 4.0";


- Izmail Khuzmiyev,  a member of the Board of VEO of Russia, president of the North Ossetian Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, professor of the Department of Information Technologies in Economy of North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Electroengineering Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences  (Vladikavkaz): "Active-Adaptive Smartgrid of the Tagauria Innovation Zone (v. Coban) , Republic of North Ossetia-Alania ";

- and others.


At present, the Ural Branch of VEO is compiling an edited volume of papers delivered at the breakout session of St. Petersburg International Economic Congress "The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What Future Can the Economy Expect?"


April 2, 2018, St. Petersburg hosted the 4th Saint Petersburg International Economic Congress (SPEC-2018).

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