An award ceremony dedicated to the 255th anniversary of the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO of Russia) took place at Ural State University of Economics. Yakov Silin, USUE rector and President of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia, presented letters of thanks and certificates of honor for active participation and success in the implementation of the statutory goals of VEO.
November 20, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Free Economic Society of Russia, they approved the list of representatives to be honored. According to 2020 results, it was also decided to present awards from the Ural branch of the organization.

As a reminder, in 2020, the Ural branch of VEO of Russia took 1st place in the competition of its regional branches. On November 11, as part of the All-Russian Economic Meeting, the results of the national educational and socially significant projects of the Free Economic Society of Russia were presented. In particular, the winners of the competition of regional organizations and branches were announced. A total of 65 organizations took part in the competition..

An award ceremony dedicated to the 255th anniversary of the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO of Russia) took place at Ural State University of Economics. Yakov Silin, USUE rector and President of the Ural Branch of VEO of Russia, presented letters of thanks and certificates of honor for active participation and success in the implementation of the statutory goals of VEO.

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