Urals in the fate of the Romanovs: the place of the last refuge of the royal family

The second day of the All-Russian scientific conference "The Urals in the Fate of the Romanovs" was held as a visiting session. The participants of the conference, as well as students of the College and University, visited the Temple-on-the-Blood and the monastery of the Holy Royal Martyrs in Ganina Yama. It was here almost a hundred years ago where the last point in the mortal life of the royal family was set.

The participants of the conference learned the history of the construction of the Temple-on-the-Blood that became the symbol of Yekaterinburg. The guests were led through the halls of the sanctuary, told about the last days of the life of the royal family and their attendants.

The tour continued on the site of the most dramatic events happened a hundred years ago in Ganina Yama. Romanov's bodies were brought there from the Ipatiev House for total destruction in 1918. Now, this is a sacred place for pilgrims of Russia. The participants of the conference visited seven temples of the monastery (according to the number of killed imperial persons) and the local museum and saw the Memorial Cross. The monument stands just on the spot where the remains of Nicholas II and his family were found.

The second day of the All-Russian scientific conference "The Urals in the Fate of the Romanovs" was held as a visiting session. The participants of the conference, as well as students of the College and University, visited the Temple-on-the-Blood and the monastery of the Holy Royal Martyrs in Ganina Yama. It was here almost a hundred years ago where the last point in the mortal life of the royal family was set.

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