USUE outlines new ways of international cooperation

Within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between the Ural State University of Economics and Samarkand State University, was held an online meeting of the representatives of both universities with the presentation of USUE educational programs and areas of training for undergraduate and Master's degree students.

The director of the Institute of Management and Information Technologies Alexander Kokovikhin, the director of the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service Vera Solovyova, the director of the Institute of Master's Degree Alla Matveeva, the director of the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education Ekaterina Yalunina, the head of the Tourism Business and Hospitality Department Olga Ergunova and the head of the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens Yulia Pechenina were the participants of the event from the University of Economics.

The meeting was held in order to identify the areas of study in which both parties can build further cooperation within the framework of the double degree program and academic exchange, the organization of scientific events, as well as publications in research editions.

Vice-Rector of International Cooperation Department of Samarkand State University Mukhtor Nasirov expressed an interest in cooperation in the field of food engineering and biotechnology.

"We have created separate fields of study for catering organizations, which work according to technological maps, and large enterprises engaged in production on an industrial scale. Biotechnology is a science connected medicine, so we actively cooperate with specialists in this field. We are interested in ensuring that food is healthy and safe," — Vera Solovyova said.

Presenters of Samarkand State University admitted that they set the task to enter the top 500 world universities and are interested in joint activities with foreign colleagues. Olga Yergunova, Head of the Tourism Business and Hospitality Department, also shared USUE's ambitious plans and offered joint participation in competitions for international grants in the field of gastronomic tourism development.

Within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between the Ural State University of Economics and Samarkand State University, was held an online meeting of the representatives of both universities with the presentation of USUE educational programs and areas of training for undergraduate and Master's degree students.

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