USUE is the center of attraction for chess players

Chess achievements are the pride of USUE. Our university has the Department of Chess Art and Computer Technologies headed by the multiple world chess champion, Anatoly Karpov. Under his leadership, the largest chess competitions are held and world-famous chess players study.

Chess for USUE is one of the important areas of development. The university regularly holds tournaments both with players from Yekaterinburg and throughout Russia. There are many high-class chess players among USUE students. A striking case in point is Leya Garifullina, a student at USUE College.

Leya has been playing chess since she was 6 years old. When she was twelve, the girl became the world blitz champion among girls under 14 years old. As a teenager, Leya competed with famous chess players, international grandmasters and masters, including those from the Russian national team.

Leya Garifullina won the Girls Under-16 World Championship in 2019 and tied for third in the Russian Women’s Chess Championship Higher League 2020. In July 2021, Leya became one of 32 best female chess players in the world. However, Leya shows no sign of letting up. In the depth of summer, she has a very busy schedule for competitions. We can say the champion celebrates her professional holiday, International Chess Day, in her favorite environment: among chess boards and chess pieces, confirming once again the title of the best chess player in competitions.

Chess is an integral part of USUE. During the academic year, on any day on the second floor of the main building of the university, you can watch students playing chess. There are traditional chess tables, or you can play on a plasma screen, or try a game of giant chess.

USUE instills love for chess not only for its students but also for partner universities. Students from all over the country come to our university for competitions, and on July 14, there was the opening of the A.E. Karpov School of Chess Art at Tashkent State University of Economics (Uzbekistan). The ceremony was attended by a USUE delegation headed by USUE rector Yakov Silin.

On the occasion of the International Chess Day, we would like to talk about the achievements of our university in chess, the game with 1500-year history

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