June 20, the enrollment campaign starts at all universities of the country. The questions of admission to Ural State University of Economics in 2019 are answered by the USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh.

-Dmitry Andreyevich, how many state-funded places are provided for at USUE in 2019-2020 academic year?
- This academic year, the number of state-funded places in our University has not decreased but even has increased. There was a redistribution in favor of technical specialties. These trends are generally observed in our educational process as a whole. To date, our University has 319 state-funded places for bachelor’s programs and 150 – for master’s programs.

- How many applicants are expected this year?

- We plan this year to admit about 5,000 students, 1250 of them for full-time bachelor’s degree courses, 750 students for master’s courses, and the rest - for intra-extramural courses, as well as those who continue to study at the USUE Institute of Continuing Education.

- What is USUE doing to make applicants wishful studying here?

- We carry out a very large systematic work on attracting applicants. The University regularly hosts Open Doors. Besides, the specialists of our departments regularly attend educational institutions and offer master classes there to promote training programs. The USUE Office of Admission and Pre-university Training implements a number of activities that allow us to attract students. For example, now we are preparing to hold the next Summer School for high school students, which would generate interest in our University, on average, among 800 schoolchildren. This is an annual event, and we are the only university in the city who do it.

June 20, the enrollment campaign starts at all universities of the country. The questions of admission to Ural State University of Economics in 2019 are answered by the USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh.

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