USUE is ready to accept 300 foreigners on the budget form of education

USUE continues the admission campaign for foreign citizens and compatriots living abroad. The opportunity to become a student for them is provided free of charge under a special quota of the Government of Russia.

This year, the Ural State University of Economics plans to accept 300 foreign students and compatriots living abroad, according to the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation. They were suggested​ to choose areas of study for all levels of training: preparatory faculty, bachelor's, specialist's, master's, and postgraduate studies.

The quota of the Government of the Russian Federation is the number of places for studying in Russian educational institutions of higher education at the expense of the budgetary funds of the country of study. Since 2008, Russian universities have been providing foreign students with quota education. This year, higher educational institutions in Russia are planning to accept 30,000 people for education at the expense of federal appropriations.

In order to pass the competitive selection, foreign applicants need to register on the website After registration, it is possible​ to​ choose the university for admission, the direction of study, as well as fill out an application, attach a passport and a document on education.

Next, applicants will have to go through two stages of selection. The first stage of admission to study takes place on the territory of the country of residence of foreign citizens. Representatives of Rossotrudnichestvo review the candidate's dossier and conduct an interview with them. The applicant is asked about the goals of entering a Russian university, the reason for choosing the direction of training, the level of proficiency in Russian.

At the second stage, the competition committee of the university chosen by the applicant independently selects candidates among those who have passed the first stage. The selection is based on the results of an open intellectual competition for foreign citizens. The applicant is interviewed and tested to determine the level of proficiency in Russian. After enrolling at USUE for full-time study, students are provided with a dormitory.

Applications for competitive selection are accepted until February 28, 2023.

Inquiries by tel. 283-11-90, at USUE room. 354.

USUE continues the admission company for foreigners entering under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation

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