In Tashkent, Yakov Silin, rector of Ural State University of Economics, met with the top management of the Tashkent State University of Economics, headed by its rector Kongratbay Sharipov. The meeting was also attended by USUE Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh, TSEU faculty, and students of the Joint International Educational Program of the two universities.
The rectors discussed further cooperation in the field of training under undergraduate programs. The parties noted that the prospects for joint work were grand and open for years to come: it is planned to work out a roadmap for the next five years.
TSUE students and teachers took part in a lively discussion of the cooperation plan and had a chance to ask their questions on the specifics of training under Master's degree programs, international student exchange, and joint research activities.
At the end of the meeting, the rectors of the two universities signed an agreement on joint training of specialists under Bachelor’s degree programs for the 2021-2022 academic year.

In Tashkent, Yakov Silin, rector of Ural State University of Economics, met with the top management of the Tashkent State University of Economics, headed by its rector Kongratbay Sharipov. The meeting was also attended by USUE Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh, TSEU faculty, and students of the Joint International Educational Program of the two universities.

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