USUE and Ural Logistics Association discussed cooperation prospects

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a discussion of the prospective and current action plan proposed by Ural Logistics Association and the USUE Department of Logistics.

The meeting was attended by Yakov Silin USUE Rector, Sergey Rogozhin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Valery Dubrovsky, director of the USUE Institute of Economics, Zinaida Khmelnitskaya, chair of the Department of Logistics, Petr Esaulov, CEO of  Ural Logistics Association, Nikolay Tushin, president of Ural Logistics Association, Vladimir Degtyannikov, executive director of Ural Logistics Association, Nadezhda Silantieva, aid to the president of Ural Logistics Association, Andrei Taygin, director of OOO Trancom Service, and Olga Gnoshova, director of OOO Unirek ,and others.

Yakov Silin welcomed the participants and told about the importance of the University's cooperation with enterprises, "Logistics specialists are as rare as hen’s teeth. Let us unite our efforts: we will not be able to prepare high-skilled specialists without a support of advanced practitioners. If one has no practical training at enterprises, there is no sense in good theoretical training. Try as we may, without your help we will always lag behind." He stressed the importance of the University’s entering the Association as an active member. "You cannot buy so many specialists in the market, it's time to educate them," Yakov Silin concluded.

Petr Esaulov supported the rector and spoke about the possible vectors of cooperation between the Association and the University: "Our main goal is to narrow the gap between business requirements and educational opportunities." Among the possible forms of cooperation between the University and business, he outlined excursions to enterprises and internships in addition to existing practical training, the creation of a logistics laboratory at USUE, and holding joint conferences.

Following the meeting, it was decided to sign a cooperation agreement between Ural Logistics Association and Ural State University of Economics.

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a discussion of the prospective and current action plan proposed by Ural Logistics Association and the USUE Department of Logistics.

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