USUE and Uzbek Universities: prospects for cooperation

Ural State University of Economics is developing partnerships with universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As of 2019, Ural State University of Economics has 6 ongoing agreements with higher educational institutions of the republic. As part of the interaction of educational organizations, the USUE rector Yakov Silin paid a working visit to Tashkent.

We would like to remind that by the decision of the USUE Academic Council, the rector of the Tashkent State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Bakhodir Yunusovich Khodiev was awarded the title “Honorary Professor of USUE”. Today Yakov Silin in a solemn ceremony presented him an academic gown and certificate.

Ural State University of Economics is developing partnerships with universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As of 2019, Ural State University of Economics has 6 ongoing agreements with higher educational institutions of the republic. As part of the interaction of educational organizations, the USUE rector Yakov Silin paid a working visit to Tashkent.

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