USUE is the leader in the ranking of universities in terms of salaries of graduates

The magazine Delovoy Kvartal presents the results of the annual research of higher education institutions, which graduate the most expensive specialists on the Yekaterinburg labor market. Although the market is monopolized, this time there have been changes in the rating.

The previous survey, conducted in April-May 2016 by the Labor Market Research Center, focused on universities, which graduated specialists with an income of 150 thousand rubles per month provided that such an employee had to receive a similar income for at least three years.

Last year, in total, more than 800 high-income specialists living in Yekaterinburg were surveyed, who in the last 7-8 years made a successful career and achieved high income. This year, nearly 900 people with similar experience were interviewed. The portrait of an "expensive" specialist has slightly changed as more and more graduates are leaving to work in a large federal business. If last year there were about 20% of those surveyed, this year it is already 31%. However, still, their main share is working for regional medium-size businesses with a turnover of 2 to 7 billion rubles.

This year, the survey was completed by the middle of June but now it is clear what the main rating looks like, and that there are some changes in it. In particular, from the Ural State Law University has risen from the 6th to the 4th place in the rating and Ural University for Humanities - from the 8th to the 6th place.

However, Ural State University of Economics still ranks first, having occupied this position for the third year in a row. The general list of the universities mentioned by the participants in 2017 looks like this:

  • Ural State University of Economics;
  • Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia BN. Yeltsin;
  • Ural Institute of Management (RANEPA);
  • Ural State Law University;
  • Ural State Architectural and Art Academy;
  • University for Humanities ;
  • Ural State Mining University;
  • Ural State Medical University;
  • Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University;
  • Ural State Pedagogical University;
  • Ural State Forest Engineering University;
  • Ural Institute for Humanities.

It is worth noting that the total number of "expensive" specialists among those who graduated from the first two universities in this rating has also grown. Last year, they were 39%, this year - already 44%.

We would like to add that the first two universities of the rating recently, in May 2017, were noted as the leading universities both in the region and at the federal level. Along with two universities from Chelyabinsk (South Ural State University and Chelyabinsk State University), only they from all universities of the Ural Federal District got into the rating of Russian universities, whose graduates receive the highest salaries when moving to Moscow. All in all, there are 20 places that are ranked among 46 universities in Russia, including St. Petersburg. The highest graduates’ expectations on salary were 90 thousand rubles, the most modest - 53 thousand rubles.

This rating once again confirms the high quality of education at USUE.

The magazine Delovoy Kvartal presents the results of the annual research of higher education institutions, which graduate the most expensive specialists on the Yekaterinburg labor market. Although the market is monopolized, this time there have been changes in the rating.

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