USUE quickly responded to evacuation training

October 10, students and employees were evacuated from Ural State University of Economics. A suspicious package was found in the building.

A USUE specialist Tatiana Tsepilova found near her office door a suspicious blue package. «A girl popped into my office and said that there was a package next to the door. I immediately called our building-service supervisors, and they called security. After a couple of minutes, the evacuation was announced through a loudspeaker,» says Tatiana Tsepilova.

According to the USUE Vice-Rector for Property Management Vladimir Kuligin, «the police and Ministry of Emergency A fake bomb was found on the third floor of the main University building near vice-rectors office. The staff and students were evacuated from the building within ten minutes,» said Vladimir Kuligin.

Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the Sverdlovsk police, said, «There was a planned FSB training in actions during emergencies. It was finished and the University proceeded to operate as usual».

As USUE management noted, the USUE Office on Labor Protection, Civil Defense and Emergencies will prepare instructions on how to act in such situations. We pay attention that such checks will be conducted more than once. «USUE pays great attention to security issues. Such checks can occur not only in academic buildings but also in the university dormitories. You need to be ready to respond quickly to the alarm,» Vladimir Kuligin says.

Let us recall, September 29, USUE building was among the sites that received a call in a bomb threat. Students and teachers USUE urgently left the buildings, fitting in time with the specified standard. The coordination of actions and efficiency was noted by the employees of Ural-Vympel.

October 10, students and employees were evacuated from Ural State University of Economics. A suspicious package was found in the building.

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