USUE has celebrated its main holiday

Welcoming the graduates, special guests, and students in the magnificent hall of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater, the USUE Rector Yakov Silin congratulated all comers on the nice holiday. He reminded the audience that half a century ago, the foundation of the University was laid by the USU Faculty of Economics and the branch of the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy. Based on these training grounds the first six departments were established: 232 staff members trained 2,399 students.

«In total, for half a century, USUE graduated more than 120 000 high-skilled specialists. These specialists, which are in demand in the real sector, made a significant contribution to the development of science, strengthening of the social and economic sector of the Ural region, of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. I would like to say words of gratitude to our veterans: it was their work and professionalism that created the glory of the University. Many thanks to the graduates for their endeavors, which we do continue. We have a lot of new ahead! Let us go along this path together!» Yakov Silin said.

That festive evening, Ural State University of Economics received congratulations from the first Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexei Orlov. Reading out the congratulatory address of the Governor Yevgeny Kuivyshev, he noted, «USUE has earned the reputation of the research university, and its graduates confirm the quality of education. The University’s contribution to the development of priority areas in various fields is great. I wish all plans and undertakings are realized! »

A Deputy of the State Duma, the Soviet and Russian chess player Anatoly Karpov and executive director of the Russian Chess Federation Mark Gluhovsky wished the University to maintain traditions and continued prosperity. They thanked the University top management for the support of the mind sport and the initiative to train specialists at the University for teaching chess to young generation.

Many warm words were addressed to the University by Vladimir Vlasov, deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. He said, «A lot of USUE graduates today successfully work at the administration of the Legislative Assembly. These are people who know how to look ahead and are not afraid to introduce everything new and innovative. »

That solemn evening, one could not do without awards. Vice-President, Director of the Free Economic Society of Russia Margarita Ratnikova presented the Rector of the University Yakov Silin with the silver medal — the highest award of Russia’s first civilian institution.

«This medal is registered with the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation. It was established by Catherine II and modelled on the imperial medals. The award is a masterpiece of medal art; its analog is kept in the Hermitage collection. I am sure the medal will take a worthy place among other well-worn honors of the University,» Margarita Ratnikova said.

Besides, it was recognized the great contribution made by the University staff to science and education of the region. The honorary title «Honored Worker of Education of the Russian Federation» was awarded to the USUE Vice-Rector for Research Elena Dvoryadkina and to Associate Professor at the Department of History and Philosophy Elena Atmanskikh. The Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was presented to Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law Tatyana Fedorova.

The chair of the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Informatics Nadezhda Surnina was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, and Associate Professor at the Department of Business Foreign Language Tatyana Markova was distinguished by the Honorary Diploma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region.

The culmination of the festive event was the opening of the time capsule with the address to the descendants, which had been laid half a century ago by students — Komsomol members.

«... Our life will be history for you. You will learn about it from books and yellowed pages of newspapers. So please do know. We are a little envious of those who had started the history of the Komsomol, we are a little envious of those who will celebrate its centenary, but we are happy that we live, study and work these days. We have done a lot, we are doing a lot, and we still have much to discover. In this we see the lasting joy of life. We wish you, Institute Komsomol-members, to continue and multiply the efforts of our youth and to create your own. Be loyal to Leninism, be worthy of those who started the history of our Youth Union,»- such an instruction at the end of the two-page typewritten text was left to descendants.

Having read the address, Rector Yakov Silin appealed to current students, staff members, and graduates with a proposal to continue the relay of generations and in the near future to write a new testament to descendants. «It is possible that in 25 or 50 years, it will be read out right here, on the stage of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater,» he concluded.

Welcoming the graduates, special guests, and students in the magnificent hall of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theater, the USUE Rector Yakov Silin congratulated all comers on the nice holiday. He reminded the audience that half a century ago, the foundation of the University was laid by the USU Faculty of Economics and the branch of the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy. Based on these training grounds the first six departments were established: 232 staff members trained 2,399 students.

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