USUE is a platform for dialogue with Azerbaijan

USUE Rector Yakov Silin held a working meeting with the acting head of the Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Yekaterinburg Shohrat Rustam Ogly Mustafayev.

A thorough conversation with the representative of Azerbaijan began with an acquaintance with the university, its sports complex, a tour of the classrooms, and museum part. Mr. Shohrat Rustam Ogly was interested with further prospects for cooperation based on common educational and scientific grounds. Present at the meeting USUE Vice-Rector for Research, Viktor Kovalev, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh, and adviser to the Rector for international affairs and work with international students, Artyom Shunailov, spoke about the areas of training implemented at the university in economics, information technologies, food and biotechnologies, jurisprudence, and other technical and social disciplines. Both humanitarian and technological areas interested the diplomat, since he himself is a graduate of a higher school, a candidate of historical sciences.

USUE, as a university with students from many dozens of countries around the world, is interested in further development of international cooperation. “We have established active cooperation with three Azerbaijani universities,” Rector noted. “Especially warm partnership relations have been linking us for many years with Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), which, like us, began its history in Soviet times as the Institute of People’s Economy.” USUE has developed a strong, effective interaction with the UNEC Russian Economic School.

The rector recalled that in April 2022, UNEC became one of the best venues for the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. A UNEC student, Gasan Agayev, won in the Microeconomics nomination of the International Competition for Research Works of Young Scientists and Students "Competitiveness of Territories" held within XII EEYF.

Shokhrat Mustafayev with Vice-Consul Elnur Novruzov expressed their hope that USUE could become a permanent platform for interaction between the business community of the Sverdlovsk region and Azerbaijan, participate in the training of scientific personnel - candidates and doctors of sciences, and arrange joint scientific and practical events. In turn, Yakov Silin officially invited the Azerbaijani side to take part in the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, to be held at the university from April 24 to 28, 2023.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin held a working meeting with the Consul of Azerbaijan in Yekaterinburg

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