USUE supports international students

A meeting with international students was held at Ural State University of Economics. At the USUE House of Culture, rector Yakov Silin talked out some issues of security and discipline to be adhered within the walls of the university and beyond.

Over 100 foreign citizens studying at USUE gathered in the hall of the House of Culture. Among them there were students of the preparatory faculty, bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate students.

“There are more and more international students. So I want to give you advice. In your group, you need to elect a ‘supervisor’. This is the key person who will keep the connection between the university bodies and the group. If you get sick, please let us know, if you are leaving for a long time, please inform about it. The university handles you and must know where the student is. We need to be mutually binding. Our goal is to help you study well. Let’s treat each other with respect and settle issues together. All our students are near and dear,” commented USUE rector Yakov Silin.

Yakov Silin also touched upon the absence of classes. He noted that there were cases when students, having entered the university, stopped attending classes.

A fourth-year student of the USUE Institute of Public Administration and Law, Muawiya Mukhtar Suliman, told why some students do not attend classes. The problem is in communication between teachers and international students - conflicts arise because of a misunderstood language. Rector Yakov Silin promised to consider this problem and added that he would talk to all the directors of the Institutes and teachers so that conflict situations do not arise.

At the end of the speech, students could ask questions to the rector.

The meetings of the rector with students certainly help communication between the university and international students and contribute to the creation of a more comfortable educational environment for students from abroad. This year, 3,000 international students from 68 countries of the world entered the university. We hope that studying at USUE will become the best memory of life for them.

USUE rector met with international students

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